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Search results for "tree planting"

Including 4 closely related terms such as planting scheme, tree planting, and planting.

1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… Biodiversity / greenspaces  Phase out peat use, redesign mowing regimes and support adaptation measures such as tree planting for carbon sequestration and ‘cooling-off’ benefits  Use Council owned land to increase biodiversity and carry out tree planting  Continue to work with Environment Agency, WCC, business organisations and community groups to develop flood mitigation measures and tree

planting schemes across the district  Ensure that the Local Plan sets developments and land use standards that reduce carbon and increase sustainability Work Package 3 – Warwick District Climate Emergency Action Roadmap The Council does not have direct control over most of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) throughout the District. However, the Council is in a key position to enable…

… and loans to match fund carbon neutral initiatives and sustainable transport solutions  Establish a responsive local monitoring, forecasting and reporting method for GHG emissions enabling collation of data and emissions reporting across the District. This needs to cover energy use and account for changes in land use from activities like tree planting. The impact of the Local Plan needs…


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