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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, tree planting, and planting.

1 result

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…. Potential actions include reviews of planning policies and increasing the capacity of Trees and Green Spaces services. 6.10.2 RMBC’s annual tree removals are currently higher than planting, not taking into account that new smaller trees are unable to capture as much carbon as older trees. It is also expected that over the next decade “Ash Dieback” disease will kill many thousands of trees across…

… woodlands, privately owned and Council lands. In order to maintain its green infrastructure, RMBC must allocate an annual planting budget at least sufficient to capture the equivalent carbon to trees lost. It is advisable to support this by conducting an i-Tree survey to establish current carbon capture levels across the borough and enable effective monitoring of these. Strategic tree planting

… million trees planted across Northern England. The land for this has not been identified yet and meetings are taking place with land owners to start discussions about what land is available and appropriate for this type of planting in different towns and cities across the north. The Council is working with the Woodland Trust to explore options for Rotherham. 6.11 Influence 6.11.1…

… Yorkshire partnership commitments to reduce carbon emissions associated with waste Complete energy efficiency improvements to street lighting Develop a tree planting policy 8 Management, Monitoring and Development 8.1 In order to ensure effective monitoring of the climate response actions, it is proposed that a member working group for climate action continues. Chaired by a Cabinet Member…

… which include:  No regular formal integration or analysis of collected emission data;  Issues with reliability of social housing emissions data, based on estimations from asset management software;  No reliable carbon capture data for trees and other green infrastructure;  No procurement-related emissions data. It is proposed that these data gaps are addressed as part of the delivery…


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