Including the closely related terms trees, and planting.
… the city’s environment. Key actions include: ● Securing investment in the city for environmental projects including tree and hedge planting and community orchards with the planting of an estimated 100,000 trees on known schemes across the city, including 8.75 km of hedgerow and 108 community orchards over the last 10 years (Source: internal MCC Monitoring). ● Supporting…
… Update report. Further proposals for the Council’s fleet will be considered for funding in future Capital Update reports. ● Investment in planting of beacon trees, mature trees, street trees and hedgerows informed by the Tree Opportunity Mapping exercise. No specific funding has been earmarked for this yet and it is proposed to establish the budget for an initial investment fund of £1m…
…, including soils, coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems, and biodiversity; ● Risks from climate-related impacts on domestic and international food production and trade; ● New and emerging pests and diseases, and non-native species, affecting people, plants and animals. 3. How large are the Council’s emissions and what have we already achieved? 3.1 What is included? The Council is able…
…: ● Funding for the Climate Change Agency and new Chief Executive position ● Additional programme management resources in City Policy ● Additional external expertise as required ● Tree Opportunity Mapping ● Development of a supplier toolkit for the city to inform procurement and commissioning activity In order to deliver the commitments within the Carbon Reduction Action Plan further funding…
… on carbon and work is taking place to understand how investment can be classified in terms of carbon impact as well as financial. The costs of new build programmes to higher environmental standards and meeting the needs of the Local Plan and planning requirements will also be considered, running alongside investment in green spaces and places including trees and green walls which will require…