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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, planting, and tree planting.

1 result

Bedford Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… locations to reduce grid electricity, increase stability of supply and avoid price increases 5. Reduce Council energy usage, through behaviour change and implementation of further projects through the council’s current capital Carbon Management Fund 6. Any unavoidable emissions to be offset against local community projects e.g. tree planting, maximising green area allocations, green walls/roofs…

… (direct/ indirect) 37 Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy 2020-2030 Carbon Offsetting and Climate Resilience through Council practices Action Planned Outcome/ Impact Timeframe (Short-Long term) Total estimated cost Estimated saving per year / payback Estimated CO2 reduction Tree Planting and increasing biodiversity Increased tree planting in the borough and maintaining existing…

… woodland Ongoing Several government grants and other funding available to plant trees None A conifer forest can sequester around 14 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year (direct/ indirect) Rewilding scheme Increase biodiversity habitats, introduce more wildflower areas, leaving areas with minimal maintenance Ongoing Unknown at this time pending further evaluation and options…


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