Including 5 closely related terms such as planting trees, trees, and tree planting.
… such as tree planting, peatland enhancement or carbon capture technologies. However, it is crucial that we reduce emissions to as low as possible before relying on as yet uncertain technologies for capturing emissions, to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. "COP26 President - Alok Sharma" by Bank of England, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED / Cropped from original. 12…
…, limiting the habitat of many important pollinators like our butterflies and bumblebees. This also brings risk of spreading harmful pests and diseases such as Asian hornets and ash dieback that will affect our native species. - Extreme summer heatwaves forcing our trees and plants into false autumn, shedding their leaves as a sign of tremendous stress to try and conserve water, whilst younger…
…, actively preventing climate change. They also offer crucial natural protection to shield us against extreme heat, rainfall and rising sea levels. We regard these habitats as our valuable blue and green infrastructure that we must enhance and maintain through a range of natural flood management, tree planting, peat restoration and other schemes. Not only does this avoid costly large…
… - Alleviation of fuel poverty - Less demand on healthcare services Enhancing biodiversity - through planting trees, wildflowers and preserving areas of peat and mossland to store polluting carbon and reduce the risks of flooding and heatwaves. - Increased biodiversity - Slowing the flow of water to protect against flood risk - Shading and cooling during extreme heat - Cleaner air…
… and more flooding. As a borough defined by the River Wyre, some of our communities including St Michael’s on Wyre and Churchtown are already frequently affected by flooding, which is likely to worsen with climate change. Other low-lying areas and those with paved impermeable surfaces and fewer trees or vegetation to intercept rainfall, will also be affected by surface water flooding, where…