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London Borough of Southwark

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… to participate in a problem tree activity. Each group worked on a large piece of a paper depicting the trunk and roots of a tree. Then members were then asked to consider the problem ‘climate change has become an emergency’, written on the trunk of the tree. The members were invited to consider what might be the root causes of the problem. Facilitators wrote these on post-it notes placed onto…

… the roots then repeatedly probed through the question ‘why is that?’ in an attempt to unpack some of the root causes, which were also noted. The problem tree analysis attempts to unpack the complexity of the issue, helping panel members to identify key issues, arguments, and stakeholders. This process of analysis helps build a shared sense of understanding and enables…

… participants to move into a deeper systemic analysis of the challenge. Following on from these discussions the groups had time to look at what other groups had produced. Some key themes were identified from the problem tree activities and these formed the topics for a round of small group discussions: Consumerism/greed, individual action, government and regulation, business. Recognising…


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