Including the closely related terms trees, and planting.
… with Mastercard’s Priceless Planet Coalition to plant 100,000 native trees in Argyll. over the coming 5 years. Sites confirmed. This planting will offer opportunities for carbon credits for landowners. ACT are working in partnership with the Community Planning Partnership and will be hosting a Climate Change Officer. Funding for initial phase of work secured. ACT undertaking peatland…
… No specific funding in place, research required to impact on operation costs This policy is reviewed on an annual basis. OFF1 – Develop opportunities for Carbon Offsetting with ACT and partners (L) Climate Change Board, ACT and partners Delivery of projects Limited funding via ACT for existing projects SSEN compensatory planting – Phase 1 complete, Phase 2 underway…
… with planting at Kilmory and Dunbeg, which will complete the LT40 compensatory planting obligation SSEN allocated to ACT. ACT is working with SSEN to pilot a Biodiversity Net Gain project in Cowal which would ACTION LEAD (L) AND PARTNERS TARGET or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS see 50 hectares of Rainforest cleared of invasive rhododendrons. ACT have entered agreement…
…. Progress updates about Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme. ACTION LEAD (L) AND PARTNERS TARGET or MILESTONE FUNDING COMMENTS Lochgilphead to Crinan Active Travel Route. Promotion of school uniform recycling scheme. Christmas recycling tips – how to dispose of your tree responsibly, re-use wrapping paper and how to recycle Christmas cards etc. Promotion…