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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, tree planting, and planting.

1 result

Worcestershire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… electricity with REGO (Renewable Energy of Guarantees of Origin) certification can be reported as zero emissions in Scope 2 (electricity generation) under the GHG Protocol. In terms of reporting the Council’s annual carbon footprint, and to ensure transparency, WCC will publish 1) absolute emissions, and 2) emissions which account for offsetting (e.g. purchasing green electricity, tree planting etc…

… carbon emissions11. Where offsetting is necessary, local approaches to carbon offsetting, which lead to local environmental and/or social improvements, will be prioritised There are many options including: „ appropriate tree and other vegetation planting - the council has committed to planting 150,000 trees on its own land over the next 5 years. This will sequester an average of 350 tonnes…

… to 2049/50 22 Aim Emissions Reduction tCO2e (from 2019/20) Target Date Financial Impact Notes 100% renewable electricity for property and street lighting 6,513 2020/2021 Low Implemented April 2020 3% annual improvement in property energy efficiency 633 2029/2030 Investment in energy efficiency requires approved payback time Dependant on financial resource Plant 150,000 trees Average…

… members of the community, such as the elderly, and on the environment, with particular stress on water supply, tree and wildlife survival and agriculture. It is important, in parallel to this carbon reduction plan, that the council addresses the risk climate change poses to council assets, services and the wider county. UK Government has established the National Climate Change Adaptation…

…, the availability of ultra-low emission (ULEV) HGVs, including gritter lorries; and the viability of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology for energy from waste plants; „ Investment by WCC in knowledge and resource to: » improve the energy efficiency of property and street lighting; » transition to new non-fossil fuelled heating systems and fleet vehicles; » enable the generation of more renewable…


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