Including 5 closely related terms such as comprehensive tree planting, planting scheme, and trees.
… and tree planting including £10k for a comprehensive tree planting scheme in Penarth in 2020/21. The Council has also made a number of changes in recent years to reduce the impact of the organisation on the environment and to demonstrate strong leadership to staff, partners and the local community. We have implemented a space project to rationalise the amount of office space we need, we have…
… installed electric vehicle charging stations at selected school sites. • Over 1,200 trees from the Woodland Trust are due to be planted as part our 21st Century School projects which will help create wildlife areas and also contribute to improved air quality around schools. Our Land • All our country parks and the Heritage Coast only use peat free compost for all gardening projects. Both…
… the biodiversity forward plan and raise awareness about the importance of nature and wildlife • Replace lost trees and promote tree planting across the Vale including working with owners of large areas of land. • Improve existing and create more green and blue spaces through Council led schemes, s.106 funds and new transport schemes. • Work with local communities to increase the number…
… of activity across our services. Planning • The Local Development Plan (LDP) provides the local planning policy framework for delivering sustainable development, specific guidance has also been developed seeking enhancements on Biodiversity, Trees and Development, Travel Plans and Renewable Energy. • The LDP target of granting planning permissions sufficient to meet 10.6% (56.68 GWh…
…) of projected electricity demand through renewable energy sources by 2020 has been met. • Since July 2018 we have secured a replanting ratio of 2:1 for the removal of trees with a preservation orders (TPO) or trees in a conservation area (TCA) in accordance with the Trees, Woodlands, Hedgerows and Development Supplementary Planning Guidance. Energy • The Council purchases 100% of electricity from…