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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, and planting.

1 result

Derbyshire Dales District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… energy sources with low-carbon or renewable equivalents. While these can greatly reduce emissions, they can be restricted by land and space availability as well as planning and cost constraints. The options available to DDDC are discussed in Section 0. 3. Carbon sequestration This entails ‘sucking up’ carbon from the atmosphere and storing it. A typical example is tree- planting: trees absorb…

… CO2 as they grow, and ‘store’ it until the tree dies. This can be a useful means of achieving moderate emissions reduction. This is outlined in Section 6. 4. Carbon offsetting Offsetting unavoidable emissions by funding projects that will lead to equivalent GHG reductions elsewhere is the final stage of the net zero process. Theoretically simple, it can have significant cost implications…

… as ‘sleeving’ to extract it elsewhere at the point of use. Possible sites for ground-mounted arrays are listed below5. In our opinion Watery Lane, Ashbourne, should be a priority, as this is largely hidden from view, appears to be unsuited to alternative development, is surrounded by partially industrial land, and owing to the presence nearby of a waste water treatment plant operated by Severn Trent…


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