Including 5 closely related terms such as planting scheme, trees, and tree planting.
… Take responsibility for knowing where the waste from the district is going, and what happens to it. Forestry, land use and agriculture 3y Tree planting schemes & National Forest Plant at least 110 to 440 hectares of new woodland to absorb enough carbon dioxide to offset the Council’s residual GHG emissions. NWLDC Zero Carbon Roadmap 20190234 | Sept 2020 | Rev M…
… 5 Accelerate tree planting on Council owned land and parks; carry out surveys to establish where trees can be planted safely and develop an overall plan of how many trees can be accommodated and where, then allocate annual resources and work with the Woodland Trust and Forestry Commission to procure and plant the trees. 3y Change Diets Reduce the meat content and increase vegetarian…
… The district’s residual emissions will require a minimum of 7,810 hectares of woodland cover to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Work with the Forestry Commission and National Forest to determine the most effective strategy to achieve the necessary GHG reductions, identify more land for new forest creation and create an action plan to implement tree planting. 3y Set minimum standards for green…
… 12 Forestry, land use and agriculture 3y Promote more environmentally friendly diets Organise a local food fair event to promote local food producers with an emphasis on vegetarian foods. Provide public information and support for farmers’ markets to reduce the meat content of food consumed by residents and workers in the district. Encourage the planting of more hedges and trees…
… of food served in schools and hospitals. 3y Encourage farmers to double the amount of trees on farmland by 2030. This could be achieved through the forum of an Agricultural working group. 3y Create an agricultural working group to discuss potential for agriculture to reduce CO2 emissions in the district This could, for example, discuss recommendations given in the Committee on Climate Change's…