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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, planting, and tree planting.

1 result

Bridgend County Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Net Zero funding set up ‘Large’ contracts procured under Net Zero criteriaLED lighting complete Renewable energy for buildings implemented Low carbon construction Offset residual emissions Small vehicles all ULEV No waste to landfill Net Zero culture embedded Whole supply chain starts achieving net zero Stand alone renewable energy Extensive tree planting Net Zero…

… defences at Porthcawl. • Ensuring that we implement the new Sustainable Draining Systems and that all new developments have appropriate attenuation and drainage systems such as green roofs or natural drainage systems. • Increasing our Tree Canopy Cover and Biodiversity Schemes, including planting 10,000 trees in the Borough in 2021/22 as part of the Queens Green Canopy project. Transport Buildings…

… Responsible Pro- curement Strategy ULEV infrastructure Roof mount Solar PV – multi-site Tree planting – I-Tree eco study Active Travel provision 21st Century Schools Pro- gramme Local Development Plan update 10 Bridgend 2030 Net Zero Carbon Strategy Sustainable Recovery from the pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the economic and social context in Wales, the UK…

…-zero carbon footprint is the balancing of carbon emissions against carbon removal, often through carbon offsetting, with the net result being zero. Co2 Carbon Emitters Carbon removal/ offsetting Heating, lighting & power Renewable Energy Trees & Green InfrastructureWaste: non-recyclables Procurement: what we buy Vehicle fuel emissions 12 Bridgend 2030 Net Zero Carbon Strategy…

… modern standard of ULEVs. T9 The council will actively engage with innovation projects to help shape the future landscape of the ULEV market, specifically hydrogen-powered vehicles. T10 The council will undertake a review of fuel used in small plant and equipment to understand their carbon footprint and what assets can be replaced with electric versions. T11 The council will pro-actively engage…


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