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Search results for "tree planting"

Including 4 closely related terms such as planting scheme, trees, and planting.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… across the town in the next year.  Devise further tree planting strategies for the medium to long term.  Consider the building of new carbon neutral Council housing/retrofitting of existing Council housing stock to be carbon neutral  Consider planting of  Encouraging HTS to source battery technology for its electric vehicles from companies who ensure environmentally…

… of reducing waste  Work with community groups to promote and assist in tree planting schemes  Reaffirming the council’s commitment to the Garden Town development’s principles of sustainable transport.  Installing electric car charging points across all council car parks within the next five years where possible  Promoting the installation of electric car charging points…

… to electric vehicles  Encouraging Veolia to consider alternative vehicles/fuel for vehicles when collecting household waste  Harlow Council to consider procuring own electric vehicle car pool fleet for staff to use for work purposes Table 2 – Environment Work Stream Short Term (1-3 years) Medium Term (3-5 years) Long Term (5+ years)  Planting 1,000 new trees and hedgerows…

… with Passivhaus standards; ii) Alternative heating solutions in line with Climate Change Committee recommendations; iii) Methods of increasing biodiversity, including SuDS, at each site; iv) Identifying and using ‘green’ materials with low/zero carbon footprint; v) Methods of reducing fleet and plant emissions during the construction of each site; and vi) Installation of electric car…

…  Encourage the adoption of water efficiency measures across all Council operational/public buildings  Procure 100% renewable energy as part of energy supply contracts for electricity  Offset carbon emissions from gas consumption  Encouraging HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd to switch over to electric power vehicles, plant and machinery  Switch over Harlow Council fleet…


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