…� Stages 1 and 2 – C: Biomass (plant biomass - including energy generation from managed woodland and industrial wood waste) ................................................ 22� Stages 3 and 4 – C: Biomass (plant biomass - including energy generation from managed woodland and industrial wood waste) ................................................ 22� Stages 1 and 2 – D: Energy from waste (including…
… large areas of land which are usually in rural locations. • Biomass (plant biomass including energy generation from managed woodland and industrial waste wood) – biomass can either be used directly via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to various forms of biofuel. • Energy from waste (including municipal solid waste, commercial and industrial waste arisings…
… also found very little potential in the region as a whole. Therefore it is not considered a viable resource to consider as part of this assessment. • The use of agricultural arisings (straw) for plant biomass was reviewed in the East of England Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Capacity Study. The study found that following consultation with steering group members, Natural England…
… by agricultural crops and poultry manure; • a CHP plant at a supermarket; and • a biodiesel CHP building as part of a new housing scheme. 6.2 There has also been numerous applications for microgeneration and many more presumed to have been carried out under permitted developed. Between June 2010 and December 2014, the number of domestic solar photovoltaic installations in the Borough increased…
… from 3 to 1,133, this is 308 less than the national average20. 6.3 There is also a number of existing facilities that currently make use of renewable energy including Pitsea Methane Conversion Plant (a Landfill Gas scheme accredited for the Renewable Obligation, with an installed generating capacity of 12 MW) and a material recovery facility/mechanical biological treatment for anaerobic…