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Search results for "tree planting"

Including the closely related terms trees, tree planting, and planting.

1 result

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

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… for investing in and managing the natural environment. Significant progress has been made in developing a natural capital approach and progressing our priorities. Priority 1: Managing our land sustainably, including planting 1m trees by 2024 Priority 2: Managing our water and its environment sustainably Priority 3: Achieving a net gain in biodiversity for new development…

… Priority 4: Increasing investment into our natural environment Priority 5: Increasing engagement with our natural environment SUMMARY OF OUR PRIORITIES Priority 2: • Plant 3m trees by 2035 and a further 1-2m by 2050 • Restore 50-75% of our peatlands SUMMARY OF THE SCALE OF THE CHALLENGE GREATERMANCHESTER-CA.GOV.UK | 19 Residents • If you have a garden or an allotment…

…, manage this for wildlife. • Visit, spend time and be active in local green and blue spaces. • Volunteer for projects that protect or improve the environment in your local area. Businesses and other organisations • Manage any gardens or land for wildlife • Put in place green roofs and/or green walls and/or plant trees. • Invest in Greater Manchester’s natural environment • Promote…

… on estates and land. Residents • City of Trees – develop, embed and support delivery of a Greater Manchester Tree and Woodland Strategy, contribute to 3m tree planting target and increase volunteering and engagement. • Environment Agency – explore the development of a Natural Capital Plan for Greater Manchester and work with United Utilities to deliver the benefits of its investment across…

… are at risk of flooding and sign up for flood warnings. • If in a flood risk area, make your premises more resilient and link up with neighbouring properties. • Check if you have the right level of insurance. • Put in place green roofs and/or green walls and/or plant trees. • Use water efficiently and install a water meter. Local policy • Develop a Resilience Strategy, with a roadmap…


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