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Including the closely related terms transport group, and fleet transport.

1 result

Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… was needed. He felt it would be important to work with local communities going forward. The challenges facing bus operators did not help because people needed a credible alternative to the car. Bus services would be vital in helping deliver modal shift. He hoped the upcoming transport summit and cross party transport group would help to encourage changes in behaviour. Any solution would be dependent…

… related income which continues to be below pre- Covid levels; fleet transport saving which is not yet secured and extended grounds maintenance works. Page 24 of 112 Date: 05/10/2022 Page 3 of 7 3.9 Mitigating the pressure is higher than budgeted income from the sale of recyclable materials where the market continues to be buoyant…

…: Environment Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio: Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention Councillor Pritchard, Portfolio: Communities, Crime Prevention and Culture Councillor Drake-Davis, Portfolio: Regeneration For Information: Reference Library (Public Set) Page 2 of 112 Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 on Thursday, 13 October 2022…

… (substituting for Councillor Burton), C Randall, Wareing, Wilkinson and Woods In attendance: Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention, Hull City Council A. Codd, Assistant Director, Economic Development and Regeneration, Hull City Council G. Taylor, Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place, Hull City Council A. Burton…

…, Assistant Director, Streetscene, Hull City Council K. Ryan, Strategic Transport Manager, Hull City Council B. Gilligan, Area Director, East Yorkshire Motor Services M. Cranwell, Managing Director, Stagecoach East Midlands A. Spouse, Scrutiny Officer, Committee and Scrutiny, Town Clerk’s Service, Hull City Council Apologies: Councillors Burton (DC), Gardiner and Harper-Riches…


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