Including 6 closely related terms such as transport system, local transport, and domestic transport.
… and Performance 1a 17Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council Transport In the UK, Domestic transport accounts for 22% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. The vast majority of this of this comes from the use of petrol and diesel in road transport, in particular passenger cars. Recent figures confirm that transport accounts for 25% of all carbon emissions in Rugby Borough. The future mobility needs…
… pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts, and it is recognised that air pollution disproportionally affects the most vulnerable in society. 18Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council TRANSPORT Our 2030 Goals: The Borough will benefit from an integrated and affordable sustainable transport system, which incentivises residents to choose public transport over personal…
…. We will deliver campaigns aimed at encouraging greener travel within the Borough’s workplaces We will work withWarwickshire County Council in developing the local transport plan. We will engage with large local employers, such as those from the logistics and manufacturing sectors, to ensure alignment of strategies and plans’ Ongoing April 2023 April 2023 • Number of travel campaigns delivered…
… • Local Transport Plan agreed • Number of organisations engaged Deputy Executive Director 1e 1 c 1b 2b 2 c 2f 1.8 Support local businesses to understand the risks arising from climate change and support them to adapt and becomemore resilient to increasing extreme weather. We will commission the production of a local climate change risk assessment. April 2023 • Climate Change Risk Assessment…
… vehicles, wherever possible. The Borough will benefit from infrastructure which enables residents and visitors to make more journeys by active transport such as walking and cycling. The Borough will benefit from a transport system that is resilient to the changing climate. We will lead by example by transitioning the Council’s own fleet to low/ zero emissions alternatives by 2030. 2. What we will do…