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Search results for "transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as transport options, local transport, and transport strategy.

1 result

Flintshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… priorities across its services. - Renewable Energy 10 year Action Plan - Air Quality Management Plan - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience Duty Delivery Plan (Sec 6 Environment (Wales) Act 2016) - Urban Tree and Woodland Plan - Local Development Plan - Procurement Strategy - Fleet Strategy - Integrated Transport Strategy - North Wales Joint Local Transport Plan - Waste Management Strategy…

transport options when commercial bus services have been withdrawn. - Developed and delivered active travel routes across the County. - These projects have helped to reduce our carbon emissions from mobility and transport by 49% in 2020/21 compared to 2018/19 baseline. We anticipate that our emissions could increase with the reintroduction of services across the county and therefore are committing…

… Flintshire County Council’s Carbon Footprint 9 Baseline 10 Flintshire County Council’s Carbon Neutral Pathway 13 Carbon Neutral Council by 2030 16 Objective One – Buildings 17 Objective Two – Mobility & Transport 18 Objective Three – Procurement 19 Objective Four – Land Use 20 Objective Five – Behaviour 22 Flintshire County’s Carbon Footprint 23 How the Council can influence Flintshire…

… County’s emissions 24 Buildings: 25 Mobility & Transport: 26 Land Use: 27 Behaviour: 28 Financial Implications 29 Challenges & Opportunities 30 Measuring & Monitoring Impact 31 Governance 32 Keeping others informed 33 Appendix 1 - Glossary 34 Appendix 2 - Action Plan to Net Zero Carbon 35 “Climate change is not a small issue and should not be treated as one” Lydia, Argoed…

… to infrastructures in energy, transport and industry. 1.2 The Council supports the declarations made by Welsh Government for the Public Sector to become carbon neutral by 20302, and in Dec 2019 the Cabinet Members approved a motion to develop a clear Climate Change strategy which will set key aims and actions for creating a carbon neutral organisation. 1.3 The Council was responsible for greenhouse gas…


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