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Including 8 closely related terms such as transport systems, alternative transport, and transport system.

1 result

Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, and electricity with a process powered by renewable energy sources to create a carbon neutral liquid energy carrier. 2.2. Smart Transport Smart or intelligent transport options are a strong strategic fit for the energy strategy, linking innovation with efficiencies. This also creates the added value of contributing to carbon reductions by supporting use of public transport networks and low carbon…

…. • Enabling Infrastructure. Alternative transport fuels and infrastructure are expected to play a crucial role in the transport sector’s future. Integrated strategies are needed to ensure alternative transport technologies and fuels are commercialised from the continued research that is needed to support ongoing developments of these fuels and the enabling infrastructure. Orkney’s geographical…

… so. Smart or Intelligent transport systems are advanced applications which aim to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks. Supporting this activity will collectively lead to fuel and energy efficiencies across a wide range…

… estate to its carbon management programme. The collective actions of this theme will support the drive to efficient and affordable energy. 2. Smart, Low Carbon Transport and Heat Aligned with Scottish, UK and European Government strategies, Orkney will continue to support the drive to lower carbon transport options with the added value of supporting ‘smart’ technologies where advantageous to do…

… of transport options that will deliver carbon reduction targets. 2.1. Low Carbon Transport Orkney is positioned to take advantage and help develop several low carbon transport opportunities. Draft 10 • Electric vehicles have had a higher rate of adoption in Orkney than other parts of the country. Further developments and potential integration with local ‘smart grid’ present further…


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