Including the closely related terms road transport, and public transport.
… available) Mar-22 23 P L Continue to reduce emissions from our contractor's waste collection and street cleaning vehicles Work with our waste contractor to reduce emissions from its fleet and improve their operations. + + + CC/W 35% CO2 reduction versus 2007–08 Ongoing TRANSPORT: CYCLING, CAR AND GOODS VEHICLE USAGE NO2 emission contribution: 49% from road transport…
… PM10 emission contribution: 75% from road transport CO2 contribution: 11% from road transport…
… the generation of clean electricity per year Dec-21 BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY NO2 emission contribution: 19% from gas boilers; 49% from road transport PM10 emission contribution: 75% from road transport CO2 contribution: 60% from commercial buildings; 29% from residents’ homes; 11% from road transport 10.7% of residents living in fuel poverty RBKC Air Quality and Climate Change…
… reductions Ongoing 34 HBPC Encourage visitors to major venues to walk or cycle Work with major destination venues in line with the Healthy Workplace Charter to reduce trips using private and public transport by promoting active travel (walking and cycling), using customised maps and adapting existing publicity materials. + + + EH/Pl Five major venues approached. Planning policy…
… vision is to have a healthier, cleaner and greener borough. As a Local Authority, we have a responsibility to our residents, our planet and future generations to take action. The main sources of air pollution and the greenhouse gases which cause climate change are common emissions from transport, buildings, industry and power generation and often originate from the same activities. The impacts…