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Including 4 closely related terms such as business transport, local transport, and road transport.

1 result

Pembrokeshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). These factors are published annually – for example: reporting-conversion-factors-2018 Actions  The Council is preparing a Green Travel Plan. As part of the Local Transport Plan and Annual Progress report, the Authority is committed to reducing car-related traffic and demonstrating good practice. The travel…

… as the non-affiliated Members on the Working Group. The ‘Net Zero 2030 Working Group’, as it has now become known, first met on 20 September 2019 and has subsequently met quarterly (with an interruption due to Covid-19). Subgroups were established for the following areas: Procurement, Energy/Buildings/Housing, Land Use/Assets/Development, Fleet/Transport/ Mobility/Active Travel and Behaviours…

… every seven years to keep up with engine technology at £100,000 per chassis or have their life extended. ULEVs  Welsh Government’s stated objective is for all public-sector road transport to transition to ULEV by 2030. Page 14 of 48  PCC could give consideration to alternative ULEV options, or to setting emission levels for chief officers’ leased cars.  To repair…

… and maintain ULEVs, the workforce would need to be upskilled. This would need to be done prior to and during the introduction of ULEV vehicles.  The Council has engaged (May 2020) with the Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) to undertake a full review of fleet and business transport in order to ascertain the business and environmental case for switching to ULEVs. WGES aims to help organisations meet…

… the WG’s stated objective of all public-sector road transport transitioning to ULEV by 2030 and to support the move to Net Zero. Other sources  PCC has installed a rainwater-harvesting system at its Thornton Depot automated vehicle washer, which recycles rainwater that has been captured from the roof of the vehicle workshop.  LED lighting has been installed in the vehicle workshop…


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