Including the closely related terms local transport, integrated transport, and public transport.
… green spaces built for cultural activity, integrated transport that uses technology to eliminate car dependence and breaking down barriers between the old and young to promote lifelong learning. Implementing the Cheltenham Standard will require setting up the brand, criteria, verification and accountability structure. The Standard will cover many activities, potentially including cultural…
…. Research undertaken for the Borough Council indicates that six district micro-hubs would provide coverage for the town.16 Implementation could involve partners like Intermodality, parish councils and local transport operators. The interchanges would facilitate modal shift to zero carbon transport for passengers and goods. Zero emission last-mile deliveries and shuttle services must be more…
… attractive than using a private vehicle, which gives the opportunity for entrepreneurial innovation, with leadership from the private sector. Cheltenham can draw on its hydrogen experience here. Simultaneously, the Council will put in place policies that enable the movement to zero carbon public transport, working with National Rail, the Highways Agency, Gloucestershire County Council and other…
… interested parties. Particular focus will need to be paid to vehicle owners with long replacement cycles, such as bus operators. The Climate Action Fund could be a useful tool here, along with other incentives following Oxford City Council’s model. Incentives to move public transport to zero carbon modes will need to be effective, so that all modes are zero carbon by 2025 as required. 16…
… storage and charging infrastructure in Council owned car parks • Moving the base of fleet operations to a Net Positive depot • Rolling out a zero emission fleet • Planting one million trees The roadmap to eliminate the Borough carbon footprint includes action on leadership, engagement, energy, transport and buildings. The net result of this will be to reduce Borough emissions from…