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Search results for "transport"

Including 4 closely related terms such as local transport, transport plan, and active transport.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… natural world, better insulated and better ventilated homes, cleaner air, high quality job opportunities in the growing green economy, resilient supply of decarbonised energy, better public transport, improved health and well-being. Local government and the CPCA has a key role to play. Whilst many of the levers are in national Government hands, local government has a very important role. Local…

… that: The Combined Authority has been positive in its response (Box 1). It has accepted all the recommendations we made in March. Implementation is now key. 13 Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Executive Summary the Local Transport Plan, renamed to the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan, is to be refreshed to include a greater emphasis on digital improvements…

…; Investing in high quality low carbon public transport that connects people to services, jobs and opportunities, will improve prosperity and well-being; Making active transport, including cycling and walking, more accessible will help to improve health; Moving towards sustainable agriculture practices, with measures to reduce food waste and inform food choices, can support long-term agricultural…

… government powers in transport, planning and borrowing are critical in driving the transformation. Local action will be needed in areas such as planning, home renovation, nature-based interventions, waste management, communication and engagement to support behaviour change, and ensuring that national schemes and support can be used to maximum e�ect and leveraged to accelerate the transition locally…

… Independent Commission on Climate, providing advice on what is needed to deliver change locally. In March, we provided an overview of sources and levels of emissions in the CPCA and risks from climate change. We looked in greater depth at emissions attached to transport, buildings, energy, and peat. These are all areas of particular concern locally: transport because our emissions are well above…


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