Including the closely related terms transport infrastructure, public transport, and transport sectors.
… Board and Hull City Council 6-V14-FINAL Chart 3: Strategic plan relationship (*awaiting publication in spring 2020; ^ to be produced by September 2021) Hull Carbon Neutral 2030 Strategy Local Industrial Strategy* City Plan Corporate Plan Local Transport Plan Local Plan Hull Climate Adaptation…
… Roadmaps for the city covering mobility, energy, buildings, industry, land-use, land-use change and forestry Understand the future cost / implication of non-optimum decarbonisation solutions and investments Zero emission transport infrastructure strategy Citizens Inquiry: Provide wider civil society input into 2030 target actions Ensure that climate proofing is undertaken of all major…
… different as we walk and cycle more and use public transport as we create the infrastructure to make this the easiest and first choice. The public transport (buses and trains), cars, freight trains, lorries, boats and ships will be powered by electricity and hydrogen. Our homes and offices will be more energy efficient and we will use electricity and/or hydrogen to heat and cook…
… the area, even if it is generated somewhere else. 8 2005: 2,156 kilotons of carbon emissions 20-V14-FINAL Chart 8: Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 2005 to 2050 for Hull Currently, 22% of Hull’s emissions come from the transport sector, with housing then responsible for 28% of emissions, public and commercial buildings for 29% and industry 21%. By 2050, the analysis projects emissions…
… and hydrogen in the transport sectors. Hull can only progress so far towards being carbon neutral by 2030 before key national structural economic changes are in place. Considering the carbon reduction gap, Chart 12, between the businesses as usual emissions and achieving an earlier carbon neutral target there are three areas of carbon reduction. Activities which are cost effective and therefore…