Including the closely related term transport fuel.
… will rely on in the future to replace residual emissions sources including gas heating and transport fuels. The Council is committed through careful planning to making the right choices, at the right time to achieve Net Zero whilst protecting hard working Harlow taxpayers from unnecessary costs. TARGET FOR ACHIEVEMENT OF NET ZERO Until now, Harlow Council had not set a date by which it aspired…
… of the Council’s transport related emissions. Achieving significant reductions in transport emissions will require cooperation from the Council’s partners and contractors in how they procure and manage their fleet, including HTS Ltd. Every partner or contractor of the Council is encouraged to collate quarterly data on their own carbon emissions and set targets for reduction, thereby contributing…
… tree and hedgerow planting across the town, planting 5,100 trees in 2019/20. b) A commitment from HTS to move towards the introduction of an electric vehicle fleet. c) Reaffirmation of its commitment to the Garden Town development’s principles of sustainable development and transport, as set out in the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town vision statement at the Cabinet meeting of March 2019…
… budget places a restriction on the total amount of greenhouse gases the UK can emit over a 5-year period. The UK is the first country to set legally binding carbon budgets. In 2011 the first ‘Carbon Plan’ was issued which sets out how the government will meet the carbon budgets set from 2008-2027. The plan includes actions to achieve low carbon buildings, transport, industry, energy generation…
… of electric vehicles through increasing charge points, an increase in tree planting and a focus on increasing the use of forms of sustainable transport. By focusing on both mitigation and adaptation the Council is seeking to reduce the impact of day to day living on the environment beyond that caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Consideration will also be given to how Harlow Council can move from…