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London Borough of Brent

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… Climate Assembly and also align to the Climate Change priorities being pursued across London, putting us in what we believe is the best possible position to tackle the climate and ecological emergency in our borough. The five strategy themes are: Consumption, resources and waste Transport Homes, Buildings and the Built Environment Nature and Green Space Supporting Communities. Our progress…

… caddies to council estates – as the first phase of our plans to offer an internal food waste caddies to any resident living in flats (communal buildings of over 8 people) in 2021-22. Transport  Over 115 charging points for electric vehicles installed across the borough, with 390 more due to be delivered this year. Approximately 50 bike hangars installed in the borough, with 50 more planned for 2021…

… in a car. Took the #EnginesOff pledge and introduced new engine idling guidelines for staff and contractors. 16% drop in the most polluting cars after changes to parking permits. £50 annual diesel surcharge introduced on parking permits to encourage motorists to switch to greener forms of transport and cut air pollution. This will soon increase to £75 and then £100. Our contractor Veolia have…

… switched to an entire fleet of electric salt spreaders, the first borough in the UK to do this. Willesden Green will be pa part of the Cross River Partnership's latest Clean Air Villages project, helping businesses to benefit from transporting goods in a more environmentally-friendly way. Held our first ever cargo bike trials in Harlesden in partnership with three local organisations, developing three…


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