Including the closely related terms transport options, and transport infrastructure.
… the need for staff travel. Facilitate sustainable transport options by, for example, carrying out a review of staff facilities encouraging cycling to the work place; installing Item No. 9, Page 12 of 19 EV charging points for staff with electric/hybrid vehicles, promoting remote working and video calls to reduce the requirement for staff travel. Future carbon emissions…
…, County and at a National level to facilitate sustainable and innovative transport infrastructure and solutions for cycling, walking and low/zero-emission vehicles. 2.8 CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK, WIDER ENGAGEMENT 2.8.1. A Climate Change Strategy for West Oxfordshire will be developed through partnership, engaging with Officers responsible for service delivery where there is a direct impact…
… vehicles. 2 Electricity generation Electricity consumption from corporate buildings, public conveniences, car lighting, P&D machines and Leisure facilities. 3 WTT Gaseous fuel Emissions associated with extraction, refining and transportation of the raw gaseous fuel from source to Council owned assets. WTT Liquid fuel – fleet Emissions associated with extraction, refining…
… and transportation of the raw liquid fuel from source to the Council fleet. WTT Liquid fuel – waste Emissions associated with extraction, refining and transportation of the raw liquid fuel from source to the Council waste collection fleet. Item No. 9, Page 7 of 19 Scope Emissions source Description Business travel Vehicle mileage per fuel type (diesel, unleaded…
… impact, there can be local variations. For example: a) Scope Three emissions can extend beyond just business mileage and include, for example, employee commuting, the transportation and distribution of waste overseas. Advice should be sought on whether the Council should extend their carbon accounting for Scope Three emissions. b) Data is currently gathered from various sources, from…