Including 4 closely related terms such as transport system, local transport, and transport plan.
… The action plan at a glance Low carbon business Low carbon transport system Renewable energy The green environment Low carbon buildings and places Work to decarbonise the transport system and increase cycling and walking and the use of public transport; building on positive behaviour change following the covid-19 pandemic lockdown period Help…
… are: • Low carbon transport system: Work to decarbonise the transport system and increase cycling and walking and the use of public transport; building on positive behaviour change following the covid-19 lockdown period • Low carbon business: Help business and local people benefit from growth in the green economy; maximising government investment in the region and supporting our businesses to build…
… implemented to support covid-19 pandemic recovery • Joint Local Transport Plan [JLTP] 4 aims to reduce the amount of car trips even considering the anticipated increase in population • Bus strategy aims to double the number of bus trips by 2036 15 Our strategy Delivering further action Appendix A sets out the next steps WECA will take…
… to support a net zero region, building on the carbon reduction programmes and initiatives already underway in this challenge area. It includes actions to increase the uptake of cycling and walking through the implementation of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, reduce car trips and increase the uptake of public transport. Work to decarbonise the transport system and increase cycling…
… transport operators to convert to low carbon fuels and identify and address the barriers to the uptake of Ultra Low Emission Vehicles. Increase the uptake of public transport Actions to increase the uptake of public transport and to restore public confidence following the covid-19 pandemic. This includes continuing to plan for a mass transit system in the region and smart ticketing. Low…