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Search results for "transport"

Including 6 closely related terms such as transport systems, transport system, and local transport.

1 result

West Berkshire Council

Direct link to progress report (XLSM)

… Work with public transport operators to increase the use of public transport Increased numbers of passengers on public transport Medium Term Ongoing Transport Services Team/WBC Env Delivery Not started Medium 6.1.1 Sustainable transport: Working with public transport operators to improve the use of public transport

…: Sustainable transport: We will review our Local Transport Plan in order to build on the progress we have made REG007 Studying the viability of Implementing Smart Cities initiatives to collect and share sensors and other data/information. Install the necessary infrastructure to be able to suggest alternative routes by using intelligent transport systems and real time air quality information Assist…

transport operators to support the recovery of passenger numbers following COVID Passenger numbers return to pre-COVID levels Short term Medium term Transport Services Team/WBC Env Delivery Not started Low 6.1.1 Sustainable transport: Working with public transport operators to improve the use of public transport CN021…

… to inform options for delivery projects. Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery Not started Medium/High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030: Implementation of Council and district wide energy efficiency schemes REG006 Develop the next Local Transport Plan for the district Adoption of the Local Transport Plan Short term Short term WBC Env Delivery/WBC Network Management In progress, on track High 6.1.1…

… options where use of public transport and active travel is not practical 6.1.1 Sustainable Transport: supporting active travel especially for shorter journeys HC014 Work with local businesses to promote sustainable travel by staff. Improved cycling and walking numbers Short term Ongoing WBC Env…


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