Including the closely related terms active transport, public transport, and transport investment.
… Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 17 Strategic Priority 5: Low carbon and active transport Develop low carbon and active transport modes such as walking, cycling, rail, Metro, electric and innovative technologies for buses and private vehicles, and help make public transport a more attractive choice. A ct io n R ef Action P ro je ct R ef Project Status of Project D ir ec…
… renewable energy generation and storage, and renewable/district heating schemes Low carbon and active transport Strategic Priority 5: Develop low carbon and active transport modes such as walking, cycling, rail, Metro, electric and innovative technologies for buses and private vehicles, and help make public transport a more attractive choice. Green economy Strategic Priority 6…
… hear - changing our behaviours, changing our organisational policies and practices, and setting out 5 thematic areas under which work will be taken forward. These focus on the built environment, green economy, low Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 1 carbon energy generation and storage, consumption and waste, low carbon and active transport. The Low Carbon…
… A ct io n R ef Action P ro je ct R ef Project Status of Project D ir ec to ra te Service Area T im es ca le s C o u n ci l o r ci ty t a rg et Benefit to Council carbon footprint Benefit to city’s carbon footprint 5.05 Lobby Government regarding sustainable transport investment in infrastructure in/into Sunderland 5.05.1 Continue to lobby, Government and Nexus…
… and Designations Plan to safeguard routes In progress City Development Infrastructure, Planning and Transportation 2020/21 City NA Low 5.13 Lobby Government regarding sustainable transport investment in infrastructure in/into Sunderland NA In progress City Development Economic Regeneration 2020/21 City NA Moderate Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 20 Strategic Priority…