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Search results for "transport"

Including the closely related term public transport.

1 result

Bristol City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… action is needed to achieve the vision for Bristol in 2030. Across each of these, we need action at every level. These are: 1. Transport: switching to significantly more walking, cycling and zero carbon public transport modes; converting the remaining vehicles to zero carbon fuels; transforming freight, aviation and shipping 2. Buildings: retrofitting and building them to become carbon…

… environment: restoring, protecting and enhancing these spaces and wildlife within them as the climate continues to change 9. Food: a resilient supply chain, with food and drink produced locally, sustainably and moving to a more plant- based diet 10. Infrastructure interdependencies: collaboration in running vital services to the city such as water, transport, waste, ICT and energy to improve…

…, with an estimated 20,709 fuel poor households in Bristol, 10.8% of all households. Housing affordability and provision remains a challenge for Bristol. This has been seen through rising homelessness and a lack of public resources to address deprivation. Alongside the delivery of new homes for Bristol is a need for these homes to be part of thriving and safe communities. Transport remains an area…

… taking action as individuals and communities, and they support changes to the city which would help them to reduce carbon emissions, such as better public transport. However, this strategy demonstrates the scale, pace and breadth of change needed. To enable this change, we need all our citizens and communities to create, shape and be part of the city transformation. Citizens should…

… the ground running. We will engage widely, and work with a wide range of organisations, community groups and individuals to transform Bristol. HOSPITAL 1. Transport 6. Business & the economy 7. Public services 8. Natural environment 9. Food 10. Infrastructure interdependencies 5. Consumption & waste 4. Electricity 3. Heat decarbonisation 2. Buildings CO2 Engagement Funding Data…


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