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Search results for "transport"

Including 5 closely related terms such as local transport, transport strategy, and integrated transport.

1 result

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Commission NISP National Indsutrial Symbiosis Programme NPPF National Planning Policy Framework NYLTP North Yorkshire Local Transport Plan OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OFGEM Office for Gas and Electricity Markets ONS Office for National Statistics PPA Power Purchase Agreement PV Photovoltaic R&D Research and Development RCP Representative Concentration…

…; • Half of the UK’s power provided by renewables by 2030; 11 • Three quarters of plastic packaging recycled by 2030; • £43 billion of stable long term transport funding for regional cities; • Preparing for 100 percent electric vehicle sales by 2030; • Ensuring resilience to extreme drought; and • A national standard of flood resilience for all communities by 2050…

…. The strategy seeks to overcome these through influencing and maximizing investment decisions, driving the deployment of appropriate technologies that dovetail with the inclusive growth ambitions of the SEP. North Yorkshire Local Transport Plan North Yorkshire County Council created the NYLTP document through consultation with the public, stakeholders and partner organisations. One headline finding…

…’, looking at growing the use of lower carbon transport modes, such as buses, trains, walking, cycling and car-sharing. Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy The Sheffield City Region Combined Authority worked in partnership with the Sheffield City Region LEP and other authorities to develop this strategy, setting out transport priorities up to 2040. It has aimed to strike the correct balance…

… identified, setting out the role of energy in supporting economic growth across the City Region: 1. Resource efficient business and industry 2. New energy generation 3. Energy efficiency and empowering consumers 4. Smart grid systems integration 5. Efficient and integrated transport In considering these five strategic priorities, we have identified existing and future energy strengths…


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