Including the closely related terms local transport, transport plan, and public transport.
… that there are additional Scope 3 emissions, such as those arising from business travel on public transport, waste collection, waste processing, water usage and procurement, that have not been quantified in this report due to insufficient data. In the future, Wealden District Council could consider a variety of additional data collection methods that could provide further visibility of these Scope 3 emissions…
… and projects already being delivered nationally and locally; and • Indicators to monitor progress in implementing the Environment Strategy. East Sussex Local Transport Plan (2011) The Local Transport Plan15 (LTP3) covers the years 2011-2026. It includes a broad-ranging strategy for improving transport within East Sussex, and specifically identifies South Wealden as an area which could particularly…
… benefit from sustainable transportation infrastructure. This includes, but is not limited to: ‘… promotion and infrastructure for public transport e.g. accessible bus stops, shelters […] implementation of infrastructure to support integrated sustainable travel – walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing etc. For example – bus priority measures, cycle lanes and facilities, improvements…
… District that is not within the South Downs National Park. WDC is required to adopt a Local 15 East Sussex County Council, ‘Local Transport Plan’ (2011). Available at: 16 Energy South2East, ‘South2East…
…. Not reported due to lack of information or incomplete data: Emissions from WDC employee use of public transport – no records available for this activity Water consumption– incomplete metered data Emissions from waste collection service and Council waste disposal – insufficient information Street cleaning – insufficient information Authority level) is not available…