Including 4 closely related terms such as passenger transport, transport improvements, and transport infrastructure.
… of this sector. There are three dimensions to our approach to decarbonising Norfolk’s transport: supporting the switch to electric vehicles, improving the county’s public transport, and encouraging more sustainable and active travel. We are working hard to lever in government funding, with recent success in securing money to: • Bring 70 fully electric buses to Norwich in 2024 in partnership with First…
…. The framework was developed with private, public and voluntary sector organisations, who recognise the need to work together and address the climate change challenge.…
…, but it is difficult to plan for given its competitive nature, and often comes with short timescales for application and delivery. We have secured grant funding from the Department for Transport as well as other government bodies for significant investment in walking, cycling and passenger transport improvements, and electric chargepoint infrastructure, with recent examples including: • £38.1m of capital…
… not be discouraged. Instead, we must work together to develop a comprehensive plan to reduce our carbon footprint, build resilience against the impacts of climate change and benefit from a green economy. As well as reducing the county council’s emissions, our goal must be to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors, including households, businesses, transport, agriculture, and waste. We must work…
… investment in digital connectivity, utilities, and transport infrastructure to enable businesses and communities to thrive. The council will promote investments that support sustainable housing and economic 2 Local Authorities and the Sixth Carbon Budget - Climate Change Committee ( (page 47)…