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Rushcliffe Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 1 | P a g e OFFICIAL Rushcliffe Borough Council Carbon Management Plan 2020 Themes: 1. Property Assets; 2. Fleet and Transport; 3. Contracts and Procurement; 4. Policy and Regulation; 5. Waste and Recycling; 6. Operational Activities; 7. Community and Businesses; 8. Offsetting Timescale: I…

…. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy A2. Fleet and Transport 2.1. Investigate with partners a programme to replace / upgrade refuse trucks with ULEV / Biogas / Hydrogen fuelled vehicles (including establishing fuel infrastructure) Waste and Contracts L High >70% transport

… emissions (WebRef3) (eg ~30T per vehicle per year for H duel fuel) £45k per vehicle for duel fuel conversion (not cost of vehicle) plus infrastructure cost and loss of warranty. Or 26T electric refuse £385K vs £185K for diesel – potential saving on running costs £  Accelerating the shift to low carbon transport 2.2. Investigate and replace / upgrade, all vans with electric…

… powered vehicles (including establishing charging infrastructure) [including R2Go, facilities and dog control van] Waste and Contracts M Medium - 17-30% of van emissions (WebRef4) with grid supplied standard electricity £25-35k per vehicle plus ~ £1k per chargepoint (Ashden / FoE). Potential saving on running cost £ Accelerating the shift to low carbon transport 2.3…

…. Integrate driver training with annual certification and investigate ‘in cab’ monitoring and route optimisation Waste and Contracts S Low - 15% fuel saving (EST) TBC £ Accelerating the shift to low carbon transport 6 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2…


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