Including 4 closely related terms such as local transport, road transport, and transport total.
… In 2017, nearly a third of Nottingham’s total CO2 emissions came from transport of which, nearly all come as a result of road transport from cars, vans, lorries and buses. Action is needed to reduce car journeys, increase cycling and walking, improve public transport and more low emission vehicles. Through this, we can achieve better air quality, mobility and health for citizens. 2…
… Transport Industry and Commercial Total 35% Domestic Total 35% Transport Total 30% Transport Carbon Neutral Nottingham Chapter One: Transport /17 Chapter One: Transport Transport emissions contributed 357 thousand tonnes of CO2 in 2017, 30.5% of Nottingham’s total CO2 emissions. 98% of these emissions come as a result of road transport on ‘minor’ and ‘A’ roads from…
… historically pursued policies that encourage the use of public transport together with walking and cycling, for example the Workplace Parking Levy, as well investment in a high quality, high frequency public transport network. These policies have resulted in a rising number of people using public transport and despite a rising population, traffic volumes in Nottingham have remained static…
… for several years. Current activities, actions and programmes Workplace Parking Levy (WPL) Tram extension Integrated public transport – investment in biogas and electric bus fleet Personal journey planning and seed funding for shared transport solutions Hackney and private hire vehicle strategy Decarbonisation of Nottingham City Council owned fleet Go Ultra Low Nottingham…
… and active healthier lifestyles easier Making it cheaper and quicker for everyone to get around. Case Study: Workplace Parking Levy The Workplace Parking Levy (WPL) was introduced into Nottingham in 2012. It is a charge payable by employers whose work premises have more than 10 employee parking spaces. The revenue generated is ring fenced for local transport improvements…