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Search results for "transport"

Including the closely related term transport strategy.

1 result

Canterbury City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Climate Change Officer (with Transport Team and Air Quality) Develop Clean Air Zone feasibility options 2021 DCA6 Transport strategy Climate Change Officer (with Transport Team and Air Quality) Include evaluation of carbon emissions reduction for the actions within the transport strategy. 2021-22 Canterbury City Council Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2030 Page 16 of 17…

… for Transport) and from Kent County Council Environment Strategy, Energy and Low Emissions Strategy and Climate Change Risk and Impact Assessment. The work to prepare Canterbury City Council Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2030 Page 5 of 17 the plan has involved workshops and meetings with council service leads and the guidance and input of the Councillor Working Group on Climate Change…

…. Operating the fleet for refuse collection vehicles accounts for the largest amount of transport-related emissions. Canterbury City Council Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2030 Page 7 of 17 Other sources of vehicle emissions include the street cleaning, grounds maintenance and the park and ride bus operation. The gas used to heat buildings is a contributor…

… Procurement Cars and vans to be replace with electric vehicles progressively to 100% electric ~30 2025 NZ4 Workplace charge points Transport Team Increase availability of charge points to serve staff and grey fleet ~30 2021 NZ5 Procurement Procurement Value chain emissions analysis to inform procurement emissions reduction strategy ~450 2022 NZ6 Employee commuting and home working Climate…

…, which is called scope 1. Emissions from electricity are generated at the power station and these are called scope 2. Other emissions like those for manufacturing goods are generated in multiple places and include getting the raw materials, making the product and transporting before it is used - these are called scope 3 emissions. Scopes 1, 2 and 3 for an organisation: (Defra Environmental…


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