Including 6 closely related terms such as transport system, local transport, and integrated transport.
… responsibility as the highways authority for the delivery of the Essex Local Transport Plan; Local Education Authority including early years and childcare; Minerals and Waste Planning Authority; Lead Local Flood Authority; lead advisors on Public Health and delivery of adult and children’s social care services and; being an infrastructure funding partner, supporting the delivery of strategic…
… development will be located in the most sustainable locations, will be of the highest quality, will support the emerging local industrial strategy priorities4, and will be well-connected by a fully integrated transport system and framework of green spaces. The current estimated need for housing across South Essex is 90,000 dwellings over the next 20 years5, but with the right conditions to support…
… Transport Framework, sitting under the three current statutory Local Transport Plans (LTPs) and forming part of the JSP. The Strategic Transport Framework will be prepared by the three Highway Authorities for South Essex, namely Thurrock and Southend Unitary Authorities and Essex County Council, with partners including the LPAs. Figure 4: The South Essex Planning Portfolio 8…
… to London and wider transport networks, plus excellent access to surrounding countryside. 3.4 This ‘best of both worlds’ results in attractive places to live and work, and brings high land values. The proximity of the Borough to London means high levels of out-commuting, but the quality of local schools and other services attracts a high level of in-commuting too. There are however limited…
… this will have to be assessed against the Government’s new proposed methodology for determining Local Housing Needs, due to be published by the end of July 2018. 10 6.3 The A127 Transport Corridor The A127 provides a strategic east to west transport route across the sub-region stretching from Southend to the London Borough of Havering (LBH) in east London with direct access to the M25, A130…