Including the closely related terms public transport, and public transport.
…, covering a range of topics such as how people travel, heat and use energy in their homes, what they eat and buy, energy generations and carbon storage. Recommendations included investing in public transport and active travel infrastructure, supporting the switch to electric vehicles, investment and support for retrofit, measures to encourage a circular economy and less meat consumption…
… digital and transport infrastructures and many residents are required to travel long distances for both work and pleasure. We have a very high dependency on cars and a topography requiring innovation for active travel, with further challenges around the affordability of electric vehicles and a lack of control over public transport policy. Electricity grid capacity Investments in expanding…
… will not be fulfilled. This is particularly the case with regards to local issues that the Council has little control over such as public transport policy and waste disposal. Opportunities Local prosperity There are wide ranging benefits available for us if we take the action needed: a safer and prosperous future, cleaner air, more comfortable buildings and homes, fresh local food supplies, improved…