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Search results for "sustainable transport"

Including the closely related terms public transport, and public transport.

1 result

Burnley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… junction recently saw the completion of improvement works to reduce the incidents of standing traffic creating a more efficient traffic system. Burnley Climate Change Strategy 11 Objective 1B - support and improve sustainable transport provision The Issue 5.14 Walking, cycling and the use of public transport instead of private cars reduces overall…

… emissions. This is likely to remain the case for many years until greenhouse gas emitting vehicles are no longer the norm. Improving access to more sustainable modes of travel and encouraging their greater use is an important strand of reducing greenhouse gases. 5.15 Sustainable transport usage has an established hierarchy, as follows: • pedestrians • cyclists • public transport • private…

… vehicles Burnley Council’s role 5.16 Both the borough and the county council have roles to play in supporting and improving sustainable transport provision. 5.17 Burnley Council, not being a ‘local highway authority’ does not have a direct role in the provision of public transport but works closely with the county council in developing its Local Transport Plan and any specific public

transport, cycling and walking strategies. 5.18 Through the policies and land allocations set out in the Local Plan, Burnley Council promotes the use of sustainable locations and modes of transport for new developments. The County Council as highways authority provides specialist advice on transport and highway matters in planning applications. In some cases, improvements to public transport


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