Including the closely related terms sustainable transport infrastructure, sustainable travel, and transport infrastructure.
…; Encourage more sustainable travel within the Borough through publicising walking and cycling routes; Continuing to seek external funding for sustainable transport infrastructure projects, in particular a fast rail link to Greater Manchester and the North West; Promote the wider take up of cycling and improve the Borough’s cycling infrastructure; Work with local businesses towards eco-friendly…
… St ra te g y C LI M AT E C HA N G E THIS IS A REAL EMERGENCY THAT WE ARE FACING AND WE NEED TO ACT NOW TO PREVENT DEVASTATING IMPACT ON OUR CLIMATE AND OUR LIVES. CONTENTS 0 1 05 - Foreword 02 07 - Introduction 03 09 - Our Commitments Efficient energy consumption Sustainable transport Waste and the Wider…
… aim to reduce that figure significantly. Through its corporate strategy the Council is committed to, and already working towards, a cleaner and greener borough. TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS AND IMPROVE OUR ENVIRONMENT, THE COUNCIL WILL FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Efficient energy consumption; Sustainable transport; Waste and the wider environment; Working together in partnership. Our…
… an annual approximate saving of £4,000 and a total saving over the eight years of £32,000. Unused electricity produced through the solar panels is exported back into the National Grid for which we are paid 4.5p KWH. Annually this equates to £1,500. £32,000 Saved in the 8 years since investment in solar panels 4.2 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT CASE STUDY: ELECTRONIC INFRASTRUCTURE Rossendale…
… funding to develop charging points within each council’s district. The charging points are being constructed for taxis, but members of the public are free to use them when they are not in use. 4.2 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT CASE STUDY: EAST LANCASHIRE CYCLEWAY The creation of an East Lancashire Strategic Cycleway Network was proposed in the East Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan…