Including 4 closely related terms such as sustainable transport choices, sustainable travel, and public transport.
… and routes for cyclists and walkers to enable active travel, healthier lifestyles, reduce car use and improve air quality. Provide, support and encourage the take up of a range of sustainable transport choices by residents, businesses and our workforce. Work with Essex County Council and other partners to implement the emerging Colchester Transport Strategy which includes strategies to develop…
… consultation with stakeholders and innovation in the industry. In 2019, we ranked among the top 10 local authorities in the Friends of the Earth’s performance review in diferent categories including renewable energy, public transport, lift- sharing, energy efciency at home, waste recycling, and tree cover. In the same year, we declared a climate emergency. As a responsible Local Authority, we know…
… through natural seeding and greening. Work with communities and groups in enhancing and protecting the natural environment. Plant native species and manage our woodlands, meadows and greenspace whilst sustaining existing habitats. Facilitate walking, cycling and sustainable transport around Colchester: Work with Essex County Council to install and improve facilities, infrastructure…
…. Enable partners to implement and improve workplace travel plans, creating a shift toward active travel and clean air. Climate Challenge 03 04 Ensure sustainable planning and development: Ensure sustainable transport is provided as part of major development and regeneration projects. Develop and implement policies and guidance (i.e., Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents…
…, Sustainable Planning Checklist, Essex Design Guide Climate Change Supplement) to secure multi-functional green spaces, food prevention, carbon reduction and sustainable travel through the planning process. Train planners in latest policies and guidance for efective review of planning applications to support our goal of zero carbon by 2030. Change the way we work to achieve our climate commitment…