Including the closely related term sustainable travel.
… and December 2020 and included in Part 2 of this document. Recycling Support for green business and skills Active travel and sustainable transport Warm homes and green homes Electric vehicle infrastructure LED street lighting Planning, policy and place shaping Renewable and low carbon heat and energy Tree planting/urban forest Carbon literacy and behaviour change Natural capital and biodiversity…
… Streets Work with TfGM to promote initiatives such as the Travel Choices for Businesses that aims to promote cycling by ofering one to Strategic Growth/ one travel advice and sustainable travel plans for businesses as Strategic Planning/ well as providing free Metrolink travel for apprentices. TfGM Integrating walking and cycling in all public realm and SHORT/ MED Strategic Growth…
… incentives e.g. cycle to work and Increased fexible/ home working Support staf in encouraging fexible working and use of public transport by introduction and promotion of employee incentives HR/GMSS/Amey/ e.g. cycle to work schemes Modernisation/ Employers Increased fexible/home working that reduces the requirement to travel into place of work OTP/Strategic Promote car-sharing to and from place…