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Search results for "sustainable transport"

Including the closely related terms sustainable travel, public transport, and public transport.

1 result

Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… ownership in Cheshire East with 40% of households having two or more cars against a UK average of 29%. Greater use of sustainable transport will help improve air quality and contribute to the decarbonisation of the borough. This means making adequate provision for a range of sustainable transport opportunities to enable travel on foot, by cycle or by public transport wherever possible, thereby…

… where commercial services do not operate given ongoing Council budget pressures and the subsequent de- registration of commercial services The coverage of our local bus network is a critical determinant of sustainable transport choices. Currently, accessibility by local bus across Cheshire East is sufficient to provide many of the essential linkages between towns across the Borough although…

… as attractive and accessible green spaces enable people to access outdoor 1. Cheshire East Council will be carbon neutral by 2025 ➢ Carbon Action Plan 2. Reduce waste ➢ Municipal Waste Strategy 3. Improve air quality ➢ Air Quality Strategy, Air Quality Action Plan 4. Ensure new development is sustainable ➢ Local Plan 5. Increase sustainable transport and travel ➢ Local Transport Plan 6…

… of partners, commissioned services and national and international awareness days / weeks, to maximise reach and traction. This will include content and opportunities to engage around issues such as sustainable travel, recycling, household energy, making space for wildlife, and reducing energy consumption in the workplace. MEASURING PROGRESS We will measure and report progress and impact through…

… policies. New developments are required to have regard to all relevant material planning considerations which includes key environmental factors such as air quality, access to sustainable transport, and protection and enhancement of the natural and built environment. New developments are required to achieve no ‘net loss’ of biodiversity and deliver a positive net gain for the borough…


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