Including the closely related terms public transport, and public transport.
… towards sustainable transport choices. We will also deliver education and communications initiatives with a focus on road safety and reducing carbon emissions. Manage and maintain Warwickshire’s transport network in a safe, sustainable and integrated way What this will mean for you: A transport network that is fit for purpose, in a good condition and safe for users. It will be easier for you…
…, or sooner… We will review and agree the new local transport plan and area transport strategies to encourage healthy lifestyles and more sustainable transport, including cycling. We will develop smart transport targets to reduce carbon and improve air quality, especially in built-up areas. We will let a contract for and provide charging points for electric vehicles. We will work…
…, public transport and active travel (walking and cycling); • respond to climate change and your environmental concerns including recycling and reducing waste; • support public health and wellbeing; and • manage our resources efficiently and sustainably. Feedback from you has enabled us to ensure that our outcomes meet your priorities. Of the responses received, your top three priorities…
… were: • support vulnerable children and adults; • make sure we have a good transport network including highways, public transport and active travel (walking and cycling); and • respond to climate change and your environmental concerns including recycling and reducing waste. We have recently adopted a commissioning approach to the delivery of our services, which has resulted in a complete…
… maintenance in order to avoid the high costs associated with reactive maintenance. By making sure our transport network is safe and well designed, with infrastructure that works together, we will encourage people to use forms of transport that are good for the environment and limit congestion levels across the county. Our focus will be on improving connectivity, especially for public transport…