Including 4 closely related terms such as sustainable travel, sustainable travel choices, and public transport.
… travel through Mi rewards, and we are looking to extend this activity. (Action T9 – Appendix 2) ii) Sustainable Travel The Council`s Mobility Board has begun work on a Mobility Strategy, to encourage a modal shift by prioritising the travel hierarchy i.e. active travel, public transport, pool cars/car sharing, private cars. The strategy will also address the freight needs of our businesses…
…` is a programme funded by Transport Scotland to support Scottish local authorities to encourage active and sustainable travel choices. Through this programme, we have promoted sustainable travel through actions such as real time bus information, cycle parking facilities and signage, installation of cycle and pedestrian counters, school workshops to promote active travel, and incentivisation of sustainable…
… greenhouse gas emissions and will develop a comprehensive approach to mitigating the impacts of climate change. It advocates for a 25% reduction in car use and a shift to public transport and active travel by 2025; to become Scotland’s leading city for active travel by 2030; and on track to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040; and for the city centre to be a low- emission zone…
… by national traffic using the road and rail network, and therefore outwith the Council’s direct influence. The Council can however influence the travel patterns of residents and businesses within our area, using a range of positive measures, including improved walking and cycling opportunities, working with bus operators to enhance public transport, expanding the network of Park and Ride facilities…
… and expanding the network of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points. The Council also has within its powers more deterrent measures, such as parking restrictions and parking pricing controls. The new Transport Act provides an opportunity to support climate change action for local communities with powers including actions on workplace parking, and public transport enhancement. Climate change and air…