Including 5 closely related terms such as sustainable transport infrastructure, transport infrastructure, and public transport.
…: The WLA and West London authorities should continue to collaborate and establish clear evidence of the need and economic impact of strategic transport investment in the area. Moreover, investment in sustainable transport infrastructure and initiatives to enable and encourage modal shift remain critical for the sub-region. In partnership with the GLA, this should include consideration of sub…
…-regional approaches to funding, including alternative mechanisms, for clearly identified public and sustainable transport priority projects. Recommendation T1.1: The strategic transport interventions that the WLA and West London authorities should collaborate in case making should include ensuring sustainable access to Heathrow, including making the case for western and southern rail access…
… There is a risk of increased car use due to a reluctance to use public transport. This would worsen the congestion and air pollution situation that existed pre-Covid and could also impact progress made to improve active transport. • The repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a consideration of how the demand for energy and utilities will vary going forward. The future of work and leisure…
… London’s 11 Opportunity Areas – including, but not confined to, the case for transport investment. • The public transport investment needed for several of the Opportunity Areas faces difficulties with potentially severe impacts on the capacity and willingness of the private and public sector to make commitments of the scale needed. • A Covid-19 driven delay to Old Oak/Park Royal, or a scale back…
…, for either a two or three runway future. Recommendation T2: Maximise the WLO opportunity and promote wider access The WLO is a clear priority for West London. It will help deliver more homes and jobs; provide public transport connectivity in places where it is currently lacking; provide more public transport capacity; and help address a range of social, economic and environmental priorities. Its…