Including 6 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
…-standing challenges within the borough such as fuel poverty and social exclusion and improve the overall quality of life through the provision of cleaner, greener spaces and low carbon travel choices. If you have any questions about this strategy or the work of the ECCP please contact Croydon Council’s sustainable development service on 020 8760 5791 or email:…
… Opportunity ‘A Sustainable City is a place that sets the pace amongst London Boroughs on promoting environmental sustainability and where the natural environment forms the arteries and veins of the city.’ (We Are Croydon; this is our vision’, 2010). Croydon is committed to sustainable economic growth. In 2040 more people will be living and working in Croydon. Growth has been planned so that the town…
… every 18 weeks, Chaired by the Lead Member for Planning, Conservation and Climate Change, includes Business Planning Group, GLA, EST/CEN, CCURV, faith and community lead, TfL, Croydon PCT, Mayday Hospital, school and business representation. (All meetings co-ordinated by the Sustainable Development Service SDS) Business Planning Group Meets every 6 weeks, Chaired by the Chief Executive…
… Cllr Jason Perry, Cabinet member for Planning Conservation and Climate Change By 2040, Croydon’s vision is to be one of the most enterprising and sustainable cities in the UK. This ambitious aspiration cannot be achieved by one organisation acting in isolation, but by a coordinated programme of activity from stakeholders across the borough. The Environment and Climate Change Partnership (ECCP…
… travel and waste management and aims to co-ordinate marketing activity at a strategic level. A communications and marketing action plan is included in this document with the goal to develop a communications strategy through which the ECCP Board will coordinate marketing and behavioural change activity across residential buildings, waste management, smarter travel and sustainable business practices…