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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Forest of Dean District Council

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… Activity Reason Impact Timescale Key Partners Resources Theme Encourage and support residents, visitors and homeowners to take sustained action to reduce their carbon footprint Drive long term behavioural change in all sectors having a cumulative impact S-L Community NGOs and Community Groups CE Partnership / Network C Reduce Lighting in public areas and use more LED e.g…

… significantly over the same period. However most of this is down to excellent progress in reducing emissions from electricity generation, while reductions in other sectors have stalled. It is a call for rapid and sustained action in order that we globally will be able to cope with the risks to life on the planet. The International Panel on Climate Change set out in 2018 that limiting global warming…

… Chapman Sustainability Team Leader (September 2019 version) Page 2 of 21 Contents 1. What’s our plan? ......................................................................................................................... 3 2. The Purpose of this Rapid Action Plan (RAP) .............................................................................. 3 3. Size…

… wide activity. The group shall assist in supporting the delivery of the Council CE Rapid Action Plan or any subsequent Cabinet approved plan/strategy. Key areas of work Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, Energy, Waste, Landscape, Biodiversity and Sustainability Membership The membership of the support group will include:- a) The Cabinet Portfolio Holder b) Each political…

… to 1.5°C would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, the IPCC said in a new assessment. With clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems, limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C could go hand in hand with ensuring a more sustainable and equitable society. “Rapid and far-reaching” transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport…


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