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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Braintree District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Built Environment 8 C L I M A T E C H A N G E A C T I O N P L A N *Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. A sustainability assessment method that is used to master plan projects infrastructure and buildings Act ion Outcome Timescale Funding Carbon Impact Role Support the transition to sustainable heating sources in new developments • Reduced CO2 emissions…

… £ TBC P Reduce energy use in ex ist ing households by retrof i t t ing energy ef f ic iency measures Continue to signpost owners of traditional or listed buildings to advice and assistance on energy saving measures and improved sustainability that will avoid causing harm to the building and surroundings • Reduced CO2 emissions from homes • Reduced cost of energy for residents Ongoing £ TBC S…

… be sourced locally and the benefits of buying seasonal produce and swapping to plant based produce • Increased support for local businesses Ongoing £ TBC S Work with partners to offer a subsidised water butt scheme to encourage residents to use rainfall rather than tap water to sustain their plants. • Reduction in the use of water Short Term £ Low P Create a learning and development…

… rainfall run off from cemetery chapels and other buildings for use by visitors bringing floral tributes • Reduction in the use of water from the standpipes Short Term £ Low D Review the Councils sustainable Procurement Policy to strengthen the procurement process ensuring environmental considerations are made when procuring goods and services • Procurement specifications developed…

… that supports carbon reduction and sustainability. • Council is more aware of the environmental credentials of the contractors it works with • Encourage more businesses to consider climate change credentials Medium Term £ Medium D Explore the feasibility of re-using waste water from the depot to fill the water tanks on the street sweepers • Reduction in the use of water Medium Term…


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